Technical Skills

Languages JAVA, SQL/PLSQL, JavaScript, TypeScript, Kotlin, HTML, CSS
Technologies / Frameworks Spring, JSF, JSP, Maven, Hibernate, JPA, Angular, Materialize, REST, SOAP, JSON, Swagger, Junit, Cucumber, Jacoco, CAS, Swing, Multithreading, Client-Server, TCP/IP Sockets
Servers / Databases JBoss, Tomcat, Nginx, Oracle DB, MongoDB, DynamoDB, MySQL, SQLite
DevOps Tools GIT, Jenkins, CircleCI, Docker, AWS, OpenShift, Hypervisors, Linux, Sonar, ElasticSearch, Selenium
Methodologies Agile, Microservices, Serverless, OOP, TDD, BDD, MVC, Design Patterns, SOLID, Pair Programming

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer

July 2017 - Present
Sopra Steria, Glasgow

Full Stack Software Engineering consultant supporting multiple clients.
Evaluate business environments and provide recommendations.
Design and create skeleton for new web applications.
Configure DevOps tools and dev environments.
Lead the team and document every step.

Senior Developer

September 2014 - July 2017
BIP Solutions Ltd, Glasgow

Responsible for the delivery of Delta application.
Collected business requirements and breakdown into components.
Introduced innovative ideas and lead the team.
Fixed complex performance and security issues.

Network Software Engineer

April 2013 - August 2014
CityStore, Rhodes

Upgraded a network company, into a hardware and software company.
Collected requirements, designed, coded, tested and install network applications.
Configured network devices such as Phone Centres, Radius Servers and Internet Gateways.

Software Engineer

June 2013 - March 2014
Freelancer, Rhodes

Collected requirements and delivered Java applications.
Offered computer essentials classes for beginners.

Java Developer

September 2012 - April 2013
THAZA, Rhodes

Collected requirements, designed, coded, tested and delivered java applications.
Searched, analysed and produced project plans using UML and Flow Charts.
Communicated with the clients and solved any problems.


Smith & Nephew (remote)
A web application to review, approve, sign and compare documents of medical equipment.
Designed and created the prototype for a new serverless web application. An Angular frontend, a Spring Boot REST API as the middle tier and an AWS Lambda as the backend deployed using Docker. Created the CI/CD pipeline using CircleCI, Cloudformation and Terraform.
Technologies: Angular, Java, Kotlin, Spring, Maven, REST, GIT, CircleCI, Docker, Nginx, AWS Cloudformation, Lambda, Fargate, DynamoDB, Terraform
NHS Locsan (remote)
A web application for managing GP’s details and REST API services consumed by third party NHS application.
Created the development plan and implement it with the team. Set up GIT repositories and configured Linux servers.
Technologies: Angular, Materialize, Java, Spring, Maven, REST API, Hibernate, Oracle DB, GIT, Jenkins, Sonar, JBoss, Docker, RHEL, Ubuntu, Hyper-V
EFK Proof of Concept (remote)
A web application to proof the concept of centralise and report logs.
Designed and implemented an Angular application consuming java REST API services. Deployed on multiple pods using OpenShift and local Linux servers. Configured Elastic Search, Fluentd and Kibana.
Technologies: Angular, Materialize, Java, Spring Boot, Maven, REST API, JPA, MongoDB, GIT, ElasticSearch, Fluentd, Kibana, Docker, OpenShift
Delta 8.1
A web application, EU compliant, that allows buyers to manage tenders, suppliers and contracts.
Increased performance by amending SQL queries, reduced access to large hibernate objects and split huge tables into ‘created’ year tables.
Technologies: Java, Ant, SQL/PLSQL, Hibernate, Oracle DB, Multithreading, SVN, Selenium, Tomcat, Linux
Helios PBX
A client-server swing application that works individually or as a bridge between Hotel Front Office programs and Phone Centres.
Collected requirements, designed, implemented, tested and installed on multiple clients.
Technologies: Java, Swing, Spring, MySQL, Multithreading, TCP/IP Sockets, Client-Server, JavaxComm, GIT, Hyper-V, Windows 2012